Man. ends holdout, signs $400M health deal with Ottawa

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août 21, 2017

Manitoba became the last province to sign a 10-year health funding agreement with the federal government. The deal provides $218 million in total for home and community care and $181.6 million for initiatives addressing mental health and addictions. Ottawa also pledged $5 million to a program targeting the high incidence of kidney disease in Manitoba, one of the issues the provincial government said was holding up a deal.
Autres nouvelles:
Le Canada et le Manitoba concluent un accord de financement ciblé en matière de santé - Gouvernement du Canada
Accord entre le Canada et le Manitoba sur la santé - TVA Nouvelles
Transferts en santé : le Manitoba signe une entente avec Ottawa - ICI Radio-Canada
Province secures additional federal healthcare funding - Government of Manitoba
Manitoba final province to sign healthcare pact with feds - CBC News
Manitoba, Ottawa heal infected healthcare wound - Winnipeg Free Press
Manitoba no longer a holdout on health funding deal with federal government - CTV News
Manitoba ends stalemate on health funding deal with Ottawa - Global News
'It backfired': Provinces gained little from holding out on healthcare deal with Ottawa, observers say - National Post

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