Ont. health system uses mentoring, scripting and role clarity to lower ALC days in acute care to provincial lows

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Expérience des soins
août 21, 2017

Ontario's William Osler Health System has redesigned its discharge process to eliminate ethical errors and align more fully with the Health Care Consent Act (HCCA) and the Public Hospitals Act (PHA). To address the number of alternate level of care (ALC) patients, the health system underwent quality improvement processes including the use of scripting, education, checklists, mentoring and role clarity. As a result, this study shows Osler's ALC days are the lowest in Ontario, and that eliminating ethical errors has decreased patient confusion and improved the discharge experience.
Related News:
New program eases patient transition from hospital to home - William Osler Health System
Leading practices in Alternate Levels of Care (ALC) avoidance: A standardized approach - Longwoods (sub. req.)

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