U.S. healthcare organizations using patient navigators to track social determinants of health through EHRs, surveys

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Santé de la population
août 07, 2017

U.S. health organizations are asking general questions to those visiting doctors' offices, seeking data about some of the social determinants of health. These include whether patients have trouble paying their bills, feel safe at home or have enough to eat, as these factors, along with a person's address, can be as important to health as exercise habits or getting enough sleep. One health provider, Kaiser Permanente, asks patients to fill a life situation form about rent, debts, child care and other social factors and assigns navigators based on their answers. The idea is that by giving doctors information about the home life of patients means resources healthcare could move away from high-cost acute care to utilizing resources that prevent illnesses, whether in the public, private or nonprofit spheres.

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