U.S. research suggests loneliness may be greater public health hazard than obesity, smoking

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Santé de la population
août 07, 2017

Research from the American Psychological Association shows loneliness could pose an even greater threat to public health than obesity. The study not only identified the problem of loneliness in America, but also outlined several ways to tackle this problem:

  • Teach the children: The best way to tackle loneliness is to start young, and schools should spend greater emphasis on teaching children social skills.
  • Doctors should play a role: Doctors should take note of patients’ social connectedness during regular checkups.
  • Preparation: Individuals should be encouraged to socially prepare for retirement just as they do financially.
  • Community leaders should play a role: Making social connections should not be left up to the individual alone - community leaders can play a role as well.
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