NB Trauma offers worksheet to help people track student concussions

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Santé de la population
août 08, 2017

The NB Trauma program released a reference guide to help identify and quickly react to a student's concussion and is encouraging schools and sports teams to keep the concussion recognition tool worksheet on hand to better document head injuries as they occur. The worksheet documents when, where and how a child suffered a potential or actual concussion, and includes information on identifying the head injury, and how to react to severe symptoms. NB Trauma has reported a 70% increase in sports related head injuries from 2011 to 2015, with the top five sports sending patients to the ED with head injuries being hockey, rugby, football, soccer and cycling.
Autres Nouvelles:
Guide sur les commotions cérébrales pour les professionels de la santé - Programme de traumatologie du NB

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