New Zealand rolls out $100M social investment fund for mental health initiatives

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août 14, 2017

The New Zealand Government announced a $100-million social investment fund for mental health that will be invested in 17 initiatives aimed at helping New Zealanders suffering from mental health issues, as well as focusing on improving services and earlier intervention. The new initiatives intend to:

  • Begin reorienting the approach to mental health towards a focus on prevention, early intervention and resilience-building (focused particularly on school-aged children and young people);
  • Provide a more effective range of responses to meet the needs of people in crisis (or at risk of a crisis situation), as well as upskilling the mental health workforce;
  • Expand distance and e-therapy options, which will enable provision of support earlier, in a more accessible manner;
  • Extend the coverage of supports for people experiencing mild to moderate mental disorders; and
  • Build the New Zealand evidence base in this area through adapting, trialling and evaluating programmes or approaches from overseas.

Related News:
Government unveils 17 new mental health initiatives in $100M package - Stuff
National reveals $100M spend for mental health package - NBR
Govt announces 17 new mental health initiatives, including 'e-therapy' for youth and prisoners - New Zealand Herald

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