Ireland rolls out eHealth open data portal to boost transparency, innovation

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août 03, 2017

eHealth Ireland has launched the eHealth Ireland Open Data Portal, which has more than 300 Open Data sources available to help users find and access data across the country's health sector. This includes information such as a health services directory, statistics on hospital day and inpatient cases, national waiting lists, and trends and information on new digital initiatives, such as eReferrals. Officials say the Open Data Portal aims to improve transparency and provide a resource to drive innovation. They also hope to empower citizens and support clinicians, care providers, and researchers make better decisions, fuel innovations and identify efficiencies while ensuring that personal data remains confidential.
Related News:
Ireland opens eHealth Open Data Portal - HuffPost
Ireland opens eHealth Open Data Portal - GovLab
ECHAlliance member the 'Health Service Executive' of Ireland launches Open Data Portal - ECHAlliance

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