Ont. government introduces online surgery, procedure wait time tool

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Expérience des soins
août 10, 2017

The Ontario government says its online wait time tool will provide users with both the length of time between a referral and the first appointment with a specialist or surgeon and the time between the decision on a procedure and the date it's performed. Specifically, wait times are listed for:

  • Pediatric wait times for surgeries;
  • Wait times for cancer surgeries;
  • Wait times for cardiac surgeries and procedures;
  • Wait times for eye surgeries including cataract;
  • Wait times for orthopedic surgeries including hip and knee replacement; and
  • Wait times for other surgeries and procedures.

Autres nouvelles:
Nouvelles données maintenant disponibles sur le temps d'attente pour les chirurgies et les procédures en Ontario - Gouvernement de l'Ontario
Ont. launches health wait times website so that patients can compare hospitals - CBC News
New tool compares surgery wait times across Ontario hospitals - CTV News
Online tool allows patients to find, compare surgery wait times - The Record

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