Report gives kids a D+ for overall physical activity

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mai 07, 2024

The 2024 ParticipACTION report card reveals higher grades compared to the 2022 edition in some areas, including overall physical activity coming in at a "D+", an increase from a "D". Research shows:

  • Only 39% of children and youth (five to 17 years of age) in Canada are getting the recommended 60 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity per day;
  • Only 31% of girls, compared to 57% of boys, are meeting the physical activity recommendation; and
  • Barriers to getting active include increased screen time, costs, time constraints and climate change.

L'édition 2024 du Bulletin de l'activité physique chez les enfants et les jeunes de ParticipACTION - ParticipACTION

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