Ont. gets rid of doctor's notes for short-term sickness as it tries to attract family physicians

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avril 24, 2024

The reform of the sick note requirement is part of a larger effort by the province to ease the administrative burden on doctors. Ont. workers are entitled to at least three days of sick leave and the legislation being proposed would waive the requirement for that period. One caveat is employers will have the right to more evidence an employee is sick, such as a receipt for an over-the-counter medication or an attestation. The government is also expanding a pilot program using AI to summarize or transcribe conversations with patients to more than 150 primary care providers and it will digitize more referral and consultation forms. The proposed changes are encouraged by the Ontario Medical Association, which says they'll reduce time spent on paperwork.
L’Ontario aide les médecins de famille à faire passer les patients avant la paperasse - Gouvernement de l'Ontario

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