Ont. hospitals, LTCs paid almost $1B to private staffing firms to mitigate nursing, PSW shortages

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mars 25, 2024

Hospitals and LTCs in the province spent about $369 million on agency nurses in FY2021-2022, while the expected cost in FY2022-2023 is $600 million, an increase of 63%. Factor in the cost for personal support workers (PSW) for the previous fiscal year, hospitals and LTCs paid out nearly $953 million. The increased costs are in direct opposition to statements from Ont.'s health minister, who claimed last year the usage of private agencies was going down. Agencies were more likely to be called upon by facilities in the province's north or in rural communities, where staffing shortages are more acute. Critics say the province should do more to bring more professionals into the public system, noting rates for nurses and PSWs from private companies are three times higher.
Santé : près de 1 milliard pour des agences de placement de l’Ontario en 2023 - Radio-Canada

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