Horizon Health Network projects 7.9% turnover rate vs 8.6% last year

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mars 18, 2024

That works out to about 200 fewer people leaving, although the drop isn’t as much on the RN front. Horizon projects 31 fewer RNs to leave this year compared to last, a drop of 0.1%. However, recruitment efforts led to an overall increase in the number of RNs working with Horizon. It’s expecting a net gain of 258 RNs in the 2023-24 fiscal year, compared to 183 in 2022-23 and just two in 2021-22. Horizon has a target of hiring 708 RNs this fiscal year. As of last week, they hit 87% of their target. On the physician front, the health authority said there were more than 150 new hires and 25 exits this fiscal year, compared to just under 80 new hires last year.

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