N.B. budget stays the course on health spending

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mars 19, 2024

The provincial government opted to stay the course rather than slash taxes or throw huge sums of money at the healthcare system. That leaves it projecting a surplus for 2024-25 of $41 million. Notably, the health budget is nudging up by only $1.6 million over the province's revised spending figure this year. That’s despite several increases including:

  • $70 million more for regional health authorities;
  • $22.9 million for technologies, including improved EMRs; and
  • $20 million to continue expanding collaborative primary care centres.

The amounts are far from the $600 million in new spending demanded by the New Brunswick Medical Society and the New Brunswick Nurses Union. They were looking for $70 million for primary care clinics, an amount they said would be enough for 50 such centres around the province.
Budget 2024-2025 - Plus forts que jamais : Continuons à bâtir - Gouvernement du Nouveau-Brunswick

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