N.B. defends costly use of travel nurses, says it was necessary at the time

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février 22, 2024

The provincial government is working with both Vitalité and Horizon to reduce the use of travel nurses across the province. While Horizon and Vitalité said they spent a combined $56.8 million in the first five months of 2023-24 on the costs associated with travel nurses, it was found Vitalité had three contracts with Canadian Health Labs, worth over $150 million. The contracts were done at a time when Vitalité was facing either closure of services or closure of facilities related to staffing shortages. Horizon expects to eliminate the use of travel nurses this spring. Vitalité will take longer because of the challenges with francophone recruitment and the Canadian Health Labs contract, which runs until 2026.
Le N.-B. veut cesser l'utilisation d'infirmières d'agences privées - Acadie Nouvelle (abonnement)

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