Millennials now outnumber Baby Boomers in Canada

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février 21, 2024

The baby boomer generation became the largest in Canada in 1958 - seven years before the last baby boomer was even born. They accounted for 40% of the population from the mid-1960s to the early 1970s. As of July, the average age in Canada was 41.6 years, down slightly from 41.7 the previous year. It was the first decline since 1958. Meanwhile, the number and proportion of people aged 65 years and older continued to rise. The federal agency says the share of Millennials and Generation Z is increasing, while the reverse is true for Baby Boomers and Generation X. Statistics Canada estimates Generation Z could overtake Millennials in numbers sometime between 2038 and 2053.
Les millénariaux maintenant plus nombreux que les baby-boomers au Canada - Statistique Canada

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