More than 400K seniors already approved for dental care program as eligibility expands

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janvier 31, 2024

As of Feb. 1, seniors aged 72 to 76 can apply for the Canadian Dental Care Plan, which provides dental coverage for Canadians without dental insurance if their family income is less than $90,000. The program is set to start in May but applications rolled out in phases starting with Canadians 87 and older in Dec., 2023. In Jan., those aged 77 to 86 were invited to apply and in Mar., seniors aged 70 to 71 will be eligible. Applications will move to an online process and open up for all seniors aged 65 and older in May. Canadians with a Disability Tax Credit certificate and children under 18 can begin applying this June, while all remaining eligible Canadians are set to gain access in 2025. Sun Life is administering the program.
Plus de 400 000 aînés canadiens sont maintenant couverts par le Régime canadien de soins dentaires - Emploi et Développement social Canada
Dentists, hygienists still in the dark on details of federal dental care plan - CTV News

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