StatCan: Canada’s 2022 fertility rate lowest on record

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janvier 31, 2024

Canada's total fertility rate dropped to its lowest point in more than a century of data keeping in 2022, hitting just 1.33 children per woman. The 7.4% decline in the rate from 2021 to 2022 was the steepest drop since the 7.6% decline from 1971 to 1972, which took place at the height of the baby bust following the 1946-1965 baby boom. The trend of decreasing fertility rates affected all provinces to varying degrees. Fertility rates were highest in Sask. (1.69), Que. (1.49) and Alta. (1.45) and lowest in B.C (1.11), N.S. (1.18) and N.L. and P.E.I., both of which recorded a rate of 1.22. Statistics Canada says Canada’s decrease was one of the largest among high-income countries.

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