Horizon increasing access to cataract surgeries in Fredericton region

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novembre 15, 2023

A partnership with the Fredericton Cataract Surgical Centre will result in thousands more Medicare-covered cataract surgeries offered each year. The surgical centre has the capacity to complete over 3,200 surgeries annually and completed over 100 in just two weeks in Sept. Horizon says by moving cataract surgeries to this facility, surgery wait times will decrease, allowing it to meet the national benchmark wait time for cataract surgeries of 112 days. A similar partnership was created in Apr. in Miramichi.
Nouveau partenariat pour améliorer considérablement l’accès à l’opération de la cataracte dans la région de Fredericton - Réseau de santé Horizon
N.B. minister defends funding private cataract surgery clinics, refusing abortion clinics - CBC News

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