MAID cases up 31% from last year

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octobre 25, 2023

The jump is part of a continuing trend since the practice was legalized in 2016. Health Canada says 13,241 people chose medical assistance in dying (MAID) in 2022, accounting for 4.1% of all deaths in Canada. The report also shows:

  • A slightly larger proportion of males (51.6%) chose the procedure over females (48.6%) in 2022;
  • Sixty-three percent of people who received MAID last year had cancer and 19% had heart conditions;
  • The average age in 2022 was 77.
  • All provinces except Man. and Yukon continued to experience a steady YoY growth in MAID; and
  • Doctors performed nearly 91% of the procedures, with NPs doing the rest.

MAID is expected to expand next spring to include people with a mental disorder as the sole underlying condition, though some psychiatrists are calling for more addiction and mental health services.

L'aide à mourir a augmenté au Canada : rapport - La Presse canadienne
Québec veut des explications sur la hausse des demandes d’aide médicale à mourir - Le Droit

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