NBMS calls for more investment in healthcare

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octobre 04, 2023

N.B. physicians say since 2012, provincial healthcare budgets haven’t kept pace with the rising cost of care. CIHI date indicate on a per person basis, N.B.’s investment in health and senior care was projected to be the lowest in Canada in 2022. If N.B. spent as much on healthcare per person as N.S., the yearly budget for health and senior care would increase by $1 billion. THe NBMS recounts an Angus Reid survey that found:

  • Seventy-five percent of New Brunswickers say more public dollars need to flow into the healthcare system;
  • Sixty-three percent lack confidence they could get timely care in an emergency; and
  • Fifty-five percent believe the provincial government isn’t making healthcare enough of a priority, while 63% believe the same about the federal government.

Meanwhile, NBMS president, Dr. Paula Keating, is making recruitment and retention of doctors her top priority. To accomplish that, she wants the province to train more doctors and make it easier for internationally trained doctors to work here.

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