More than 500K people across England make organ donations via NHS App

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septembre 25, 2023

People across England are being encouraged to use the NHS App to register their organ donation decision. The total number of organ donation decisions registered for the first time through the NHS App increased by over a fifth over the last year to 546,825 (up 22% from last August). Overall, organ donation preferences were managed 4.1million times through the NHS App. NHS England figures show that:

  • Over 29.1 million repeat prescriptions were ordered via the app in the last year;
  • More than 13 million messages were delivered to patients in the NHS App from family doctors, hospitals and national services;
  • Over 480,000 COVID vaccinations were booked on the NHS App since Nov. 2022; and
  • Patients will also receive flu and COVID vaccination invitations through the app this winter.
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