Ambulance NB received almost $4.7M from province for offline units

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septembre 21, 2023

Craig Dalton, CEO of Extra-Mural/Ambulance New Brunswick, blamed staffing shortages for the out-of-service ambulances in 2021-2022. Instead of returning the $4.7 million to the province, the Crown corporation used the funds to cover other operational pressures like dispatch, IT, overtime and benefits. A legislative committee heard 19 rural communities saw substandard ambulance response times in 2021-2022, despite Medavie Health Services taking home $2.7 million in performance bonuses during that time. Dalton acknowledged public perception around the bonuses is partially why they want to reopen their contract early. The contract doesn’t expire until 2027 but talks are expected to begin by year’s end.
No 'silver bullet' to fix ambulance response times, CEO says - CBC NB
No ‘silver bullet solution’ to address ambulance response times: Ambulance NB - Global News
Pas de solution miracle pour les temps d’attente, dit Ambulance Nouveau-Brunswick - Radio-Canada

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