StatCan finds almost half of young adults tried vaping

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septembre 11, 2023

Forty-eight percent of young adults aged 20 to 24 and 30% of youth 15-19 tried vaping at least once in their lives. In comparison, 10% of youth and 27% of young adults ever tried smoking cigarettes. Adults aged 25 years and older were much less likely to have tried vaping (15%) and much more likely to have tried cigarette smoking (52%). Other findings include:

  • Among young adults, vaping prevalence is increasing while smoking prevalence is decreasing;
  • Vaping was more common for men than women; and
  • Youth aged 15 to 19 years who identified as lesbian, gay, bisexual or another sexual orientation that is not heterosexual reported vaping (19%) and cigarette smoking (8%) in the past 30 days at a higher rate than their heterosexual peers (13% for vaping and 4% for cigarette smoking).
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