Expert says spike in N.B. heart, stroke deaths in 2021 due to COVID-19

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septembre 12, 2023

Statistics Canada says there were 8,102 deaths in N.B. in 2021, 607 more than in 2020. The 8.1% jump is the largest recorded in Canada among provinces in 2021, although most of the increase in N.B. occurred during a significant COVID-19 outbreak. Figures show a 208 person increase in deaths from heart failure and stroke was the largest contributor to the total surge in fatalities. An infectious disease epidemiologist and University of Toronto professor believes it’s unlikely that an increase in heart and stroke deaths in a population that weathered a wave of COVID-19 infections is a coincidence. However, the Department of Health remains uncertain why death rates surged in 2023 and suggests population changes might be the issue.
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