ICES finds inequities in cardiovascular care putting older female’s heart health at risk

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août 30, 2023

A study found higher stroke risk among females with atrial fibrillation may be related to sex-based disparities in cardiovascular care. Researchers say females tend to be diagnosed with atrial fibrillation (AF) at older ages and they may not be receiving adequate monitoring or treatment to reduce their stroke risk. Compared to males:

  • Females were diagnosed more often in emergency departments (30% versus 25% for males);
  • Females received fewer cardiologist appointments, both in the year before (12% versus 17%) and after (31% versus 37%) AF diagnosis; and
  • Females were also less likely to get LDL-C testing and be treated with statins, despite having higher LDL-C levels and higher BP than their male counterparts.
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