Hospitalizations due to COVID-19 increased by 19% in 2022-2023

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août 24, 2023

Hospitalizations due to COVID-19 increased by 19% in 2022-2023, while ER visits due to the virus decreased 15% in the same time period. Other findings include:

  • Patients who were hospitalized more recently with COVID-19 (Apr. 2022 to Mar. 2023) were older (median age of 75 compared with 63 the previous year);
  • Ninety percent of ER visits were completed within 25 hours, an increase from 15 hours the year before;
  • Sixty-nine percent of patients who went to the ER were discharged home, while 26% were admitted to hospital;
  • Sixty-two percent of patients admitted to hospital were discharged home, while 10% died in the facility. The average length of stay in hospital increased to 20 days from 13 the previous year; and
  • Thirteen percent of hospital stays included an ICU admission. Among those patients with ICU stays, 39% received ventilation and 23% died in the facility.

COVID resurgence sparks concerns as hospitalizations increase across Canada - CTV News

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