Man. doubles spending on healthcare action plan to add 2K more workers

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juillet 27, 2023

The $200-million plan has become a nearly $400-million plan as the province adds incentives and initiatives. The plan aims to end mandated overtime and add 2,000 nurses, doctors, allied health professionals and support staff across the province. Initiatives will include:

  • More opportunities for paramedics in rural and Northern Man. to grow in their careers;
  • Practice-ready assessment for physicians;
  • Supports for internationally educated nurses; and
  • A renewed focus on system and staff wellness.

The Manitoba government is also providing more than $3.6 million to add healthcare training seats at three post-secondary institutions.
Le gouvernement manitobain double pratiquement ses investissements pour maintenir en poste, former et recruter des fournisseurs de soins de santé - Gouvernement du Manitoba

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