Four-year funding deal brings 10% salary increase to N.S. doctors

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juillet 20, 2023

The contract includes changes aimed at attracting and retaining family doctors. An updated payment model for family doctors will calculate income based on the number of patients in their practice, the number of hours they work and the services they provide. Under this model, family physicians will have a better idea of what to expect at each paycheque. The provincial government says this is a model that younger doctors are looking for. Funding will also be available for a pilot project allowing family doctors to bill for the services of healthcare providers they hire into their practice, such as NPs, dietitians or pharmacists.
Ont. RNs, other healthcare workers to get 11% wage increase - The Globe and Mail (sub. req.)
Doctors Manitoba tentative agreement with province aims to retain, recruit more physicians - mySteinbach
Le Man. fait des changements pour accélérer le recrutement de médecins étrangers - Radio-Canada

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