CMA says health reform can't wait, offers solutions as premiers meet in Winnipeg

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juillet 05, 2023

The CMA released targets it says governments can use to drive health system improvements. The association believes these targets are key to turning healthcare systems around. They call for:

  • Eliminating hospital ER closures within three years;
  • Increasing the number of net new family physicians to 7,500 over five years and 15,000 over 10 years;
  • Increasing the percentage of Canadians with a regular primary care provider from 85% to 90% within five years and to 95% within 10 years;
  • Reducing median wait times for community mental health and substance use services to two weeks by 2028 and one week by 2033;
  • Increasing the percentage of priority procedures delivered within medically acceptable wait time benchmarks to 80% within five years and to 90% within 10 years; and
  • Ensuring that 75% of Canadians can access their own EHRs within five years and 90% within a decade.

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