ERs to remain in crisis if action isn’t taken on staffing shortages, patient surges: report

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juin 19, 2023

The report said the summer season will likely be "precarious and exhausting months" for healthcare workers in ERs, with impacts ranging from lengthy wait-times to hospital closures. The report referred to the crisis as a "perpetual cycle" that’s restricting patient care, leading to increased wait times and bed shortages that mean patients are spending more time in the ER. This, in turn, has an impact on patient care and on providers' well-being. Provincial programs like B.C.'s Real Time Virtual Support and Ont.’s Peer-to-Peer program are providing support to emergency healthcare workers in rural communities, the report said. These programs provide coaching and support for staff and some even handle patient triaging and patient care. However, they still may not be enough to fix the crisis for good, some experts say.

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