P.E.I. to allow APs, PAs to be licensed, practice in province

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juin 15, 2023

The provincial government says the following changes to regulations will provide more support to physicians and improve access to care for Islanders:

  • Physician Assistants (PAs) will be integrated into the P.E.I. healthcare system. They currently work in five other provinces and assist in providing care and follow-up for patients as directed by fully licensed physicians; and
  • Foreign-trained physicians who completed their post-graduate training will be able to apply for a license to practice in P.E.I. as Associate Physicians (APs). Other changes were also made to facilitate ease of licensing including the removal of the requirement that a jurisdictional examination be completed prior to registration.

Common areas of practice for APs and PAs include primary care, emergency medicine, LTC, surgery and OBGYN.

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