Report shows number of people in Canada with IBD increasing rapidly

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juin 01, 2023

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) describes a group of conditions, the two main forms of which are Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. The report shows the number of people living with IBD is expected to climb from 322,600 people in 2023 (0.8% of the population) to 470,000 in 2035 (1.1% of the population). Other findings include:

  • 11,000 people will be diagnosed in 2023 and 14,000 in 2035;
  • The number of new diagnoses is rising most rapidly in children under the age of six years old;
  • Seniors are the most rapidly growing group; and
  • Those with low socioeconomic status, who live in rural, remote and Northern communities and Indigenous peoples face additional barriers to care.

Un nouveau rapport montre que certains Canadiens atteints de la maladie de Crohn et de la colite sont laissés pour compte - Nouvelles et événements - Crohn et Colite Canada

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