Health Canada found 29% of teenagers in Grades 7 to 12 have tried an e-cigarette. That number is down slightly overall in Canada, from 34% in 2018-2019 but is higher in older age groups, with 41% of students in Grades 10 to 12 having vaped. Regular use of e-cigarettes also continues to be widespread in Canada, with 17% of students reporting vaping in the past month, down slightly from 20% in 2018-2019 but is again higher in Grades 10 to 12 with over 24% being monthly users. Daily vaping rates were 8% across all students surveyed and close to 12% among those in Grades 10 to 12, which experts say are some of the highest ever reported globally.
Résumé des résultats de L’Enquête canadienne sur le tabac, l’alcool et les drogues chez les élèves 2021-2022 - Statistique Canada
Data show Canada has some of highest teen vaping rates globally
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mai 17, 2023