England GPs will set up phone systems to end '8am scramble' for appointments

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mai 09, 2023

GPs part of England’s National Health Services won’t be allowed to tell patients to phone back later and must offer an appointment or assessment on the same day or refer them to a pharmacist or emergency health services. They’ll be given £240million ($CDN 400 million) for digital phone systems so patients no longer face engaged tones or lengthy waits during the 8am scramble for appointments. The systems will add callers to a queue, inform them of their position and allow them to request a call back while online tools will offer an alternative way of finding the right professional for their needs, such as a pharmacist and allow them to book appointments. As part of the government’s overall plan, those suffering from conditions such as sore throat, ear ache and shingles will be able to get prescriptions directly from pharmacies without a GP appointment.

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