MHCC: Pervasive stigma remains for people living with mental health, substance use disorders

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mai 02, 2023

Nearly half of Canadians polled disclosed they were living with a mental health or substance use disorder. Findings include:

  • Ninety-five percent of people with a mental health or substance use disorder indicated they’ve been impacted by stigma in the past five years;
  • Seventy-two percent with a mental health or substance use disorder shared feelings of self-stigma often internalizing negative stereotypes and thinking negatively about themselves; and
  • Forty percent of participants reported they were stigmatized while receiving care in healthcare settings.

Priorities for change identified by participants include greater access to services, preventive mental health services and stigma reduction.
La stigmatisation omniprésente fait la vie dure aux personnes ayant un problème de santé mentale ou d’un trouble d’usage de substances - CSMC

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