B.C. report calls for better coordination between mental health education, prevention

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mai 04, 2023

B.C.’s Youth Advisory Council for the Youth Development Instrument uses a self-report questionnaire to learn about the social and emotional development, health and well-being of children between the ages of 15 and 17. Despite the presence of many youth mental health promotion initiatives, the lead author of the report says there’s an urgent need for these programs to be better coordinated so funding and resources can be directed to schools, provincial government and non-profits to ensure no child falls between the gaps. She explains that roles and responsibilities of different partners need to be clear for all who work in this realm and she calls for a better integration between their work and available evidence. The report promotes three recommendations:

  1. Serve underserved populations better;
  2. Improve collaboration among mental health partners; and
  3. Enhance social and emotional learning strategies in schools and community settings.
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