App that connects Alta. patients to care teams during recovery shows proming results

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avril 24, 2023

The proof-of-concept study concluded postoperative follow-up for patients undergoing breast reconstruction and gynecologic oncology surgery led to improved recovery. Patients also reported equal satisfaction with care compared with conventional in-person follow-up. The study focused on surgeries that were performed according to Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) guidelines, which consist of 20 different practices before, during and after surgery. They include keeping patients well-nourished, giving them anti-coagulants and pre-operative antibiotics, avoiding cold in the OR, avoiding the use of long-acting sedatives, using non-opioid pain medications, using anti-nauseants and encouraging patients to move as soon as possible after surgery. Although the smartphone app isn’t being used in Alberta Health Servcies outside this evaluation context, researchers say apps like it could one day become valuable additions to post-operative care.

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