Number of babies born with syphilis in Canada rising at far faster rate than in U.S., Europe

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mars 31, 2023

Syphilis made a global resurgence over the last five years and Canada's an outlier among wealthy nations in its rate of increase. The incidence of babies born with syphilis reached 26 per 100,000 live births in 2021, up from two in 2017, a 13-fold increase. Health experts claim the rise is driven by increased methamphetamine use and lack of access to the public health system for Indigenous people. The increase is concentrated in Man., Sask. and Alta. Prairie provinces have higher crystal meth use and remote and Indigenous populations who may have trouble accessing healthcare. Health Canada approved a syphilis and HIV test that can provide results in less than a minute, allowing to begin treatment right away. Public health researchers and providers are urging the federal government to buy and distribute the tests.

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