B.C. adds integrated healthcare centre to Vancouver Island, urgent primar care clinic in Kelowna

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mars 16, 2023

The centre will be part of the Western Communities Primary Care Network. It'll provide extended hours for urgent and non-emergency healthcare and same-day access to primary care. The integrated healthcare centre will combine the community health centre and urgent- and primary-care centre at a future development. The team of clinical providers will include family physicians, NPs, RNs, mental health and substance-use workers and other allied health providers. An Indigenous cultural safety liaison will also support the project. For its part, the urgent primary care clinic in Kelown will serve have purposes. The first is to provide urgent primary-care services to thos who need to see a provider within 12 to 24 hours, but do not require going to the ED. The second purpose is to attach more patients to the clinic to provide ongoing team-based primary-care services, including mental health.

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