MHRC shows mental stability of Canadians flatlined since summer

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mars 04, 2023

Overall, the MHRC says 81% are happy but for those who reported feeling anxious and depressed, their mental health isn't getting better. Levels of high anxiety (10%) and depression (8%) remain constant, the survey found. Other results include:

  • About one in seven are likely to have moderate to severe symptoms of anxiety, with one in five likely to have symptoms of severe to moderate depression;
  • Fourteen percent likely experience symptoms of anxiety and 11% depression;
  • About 24% reported feelings of burnout; and
  • Fewer people are accessing publicly funded psychologists (-8%), psychotherapists (-4%), online services (-8%) and text-based supports (-9%). Instead, more people (+19%) are using mental health support provided by family doctors and health services.

Canada falling short on mental health despite government efforts, advocates say - CBC News

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