Black Canadians more likely to die from HIV/AIDS, certain types of cancer than white counterparts

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février 16, 2023

Notable mortality difference was found when it comes to HIV/AIDS-related deaths in Black people, potentially because of health inequities, therapy adherence and treatment delays. Apart from HIV/AIDS, Black males were at an increased risk of dying from prostate cancer, diabetes mellitus and cerebrovascular diseases. Statistics Canada shows their risk of dying from HIV/AIDS was 2.37 times higher than white males, while Black females had a 6.05 times higher risk of dying from HIV/AIDS than white women. Black females were at an increased risk of six causes of death compared to their white counterparts, including HIV/AIDS, stomach cancer, corpus uteri cancer, lymphomas and multiple myeloma, diabetes mellitus and endocrine disorders. A professor at the School of Nursing at the University of Ottawa notes issues contributing to the mortality difference related to HIV/AIDS is limited knowledge of the disease in African, Caribbean and Black communities.
Inégalités en matière de mortalité chez les adultes noirs au Canada - Statistics Canada

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