Horizon to use online tool allowing loved ones to see patient's surgery status in real time

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février 09, 2023

The health network and Service New Brunswick are introducing an online patient surgery tracker that lets families of a patient undergoing elective surgery at The Moncton Hospital and Sackville Memorial Hospital to view the surgery’s status (pre-operative care, surgery or recovery or ready for discharge) online. Allowing families to check the status of the patient will allow staff to focus on caring for patients instead of having to gather information between the operating room, post-anesthetic care unit and surgery admissions unit. Patients will be provided with a handout with a Patient ID number to share with their family and friends for them to use the website and track the patient's progress.
Un nouvel outil en ligne pour permettre aux proches d’un patient en chirurgie d’obtenir des nouvelles en temps réel - Réseau de santé Horizon

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