Blood donations suggest almost three-quarters of Canadians had COVID-19

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janvier 27, 2023

Tests from Canadians who give blood showed that around 73% contracted COVID-19. Most caught the highly contagious but less virulent Omicron variant. Around 60% of seniors contracted the virus, compared to 88% of those between 17 and 24 years of age. Canadian Blood Services says the discrepancy in infection rates may reflect behaviour and lifestyles, as older people work from home, may be retired or more cautious about mixing in large groups. Seniors are also more inclined to have regular booster shots and to wear masks. By contrast tounger people are more likely to interact with many other people, including at school and college through sport, in restaurants and bars. Before Omicron took hold in Jan., 2022, only around 5% of Canadians contracted the virus.

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