Insurer data shows mental health drug claims skyrocketed between 2019-2021 among young Canadians

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janvier 30, 2023

Drug claims to treat mental disorders for Sun Life clients under 30 years old increased 24%. Adults between 30 and 39 years of age also experienced a rise in claims at 13%. In total, 16% of the insurer's total drug claims in 2021 were for mental disorders. There was also a 51% increase in mental health paramedical claims for people under 35. A Sun Life report shows mental disorders continue to be the main driver of disability claims. Over half of all disability claims for those under 44 years old are for mental disorders. The insurer states that quicker recoveries and better long-term outcomes are often seen by those with early access to care.

Explosion des demandes de règlement liées aux troubles de santé mentale chez les jeunes au Canada - Sun Life

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