Mental health pilot projects rolled out in Alta. to guide teachers with stress management, mental health disorders

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janvier 20, 2023

The pilot projects are a collaboration between mental health service providers and school authorities using their data to tailor services toward the unique needs of local student populations. The provincial government claims the pilot projects will allow it to determine what practices, supports and services are most effective before committing to future policy and funding decisions in student mental health.  The provincial government invested $40 million to fund 60 projects over two years. In some school districts, it will allow staff to be trauma-informed to better respond to the intergenerational trauma impacting their students, but also the ramifications of more recent events like flooding, fires and the pandemic. Other schools will use the funds to promote mental health literacy for students between grades 4-6.
N.S. enhancing mental health and well-being supports for staff and students - Government of Nova Scotia
Davantage de ressources de santé mentale et de mieux-être dans les écoles - Gouvernement de la Nouvelle-Écosse

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