Sask. RCMP pilot program that uses psychiatric nurses with 911 callers will be permanent

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janvier 04, 2023

As part of the pilot, 911 calls identified as having a mental health crisis were given the opportunity to talk to nurses who assist RCMP members in their responses. The RCMP adapted a European model to the reality of Sask.’s remote regions and developed processes allowing the two professions to work together. The program was tested for a year and the RCMP believes it generated very positive results. The pilot project showed:

  • Close to 100% of callers reporting a mental health crisis agreed to talk with the nurses;
  • Eighty percent were given referrals to mental health or addictions services; and
  • Seventy-one percent of callers who were assessed by the nurse avoided being driven by police to an ER for help.

There are four fully trained nurses engaged to work in the program. Funding for the pilot was provided by the Saskatchewan Health Authority.
La Station de transmissions opérationnelles de la GRC de la Saskatchewan accueillera du personnel infirmier psychiatrique de façon permanente - GRC

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