University Health Network opens clinic where paramedics can drop off intoxicated homeless people, reducing offload times

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janvier 03, 2023

The hospital opened a stand-alone clinic where paramedics can drop off homeless people who are intoxicated by alcohol so they can recover and then access services. Toronto paramedics say the early results of the program are almost unbelievable. The clinic noticeably improved ambulance offload times and has freed-up beds at the ED. The stabilization and connection centre's located near UHN’s Toronto Western Hospital and is run by several partners. It includes 11 beds staffed by harm reduction workers, peer support workers, case workers and an on-call physician. When paramedics drop a homeless patient off at the clinic, the person is brought to a bed by a harm reduction worker who completes their intake, checking for injuries and drug use. Once they begin to feel better, patients can shower, shave and have a meal.

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