Ottawa Hospital engaged patients, employees in creation of Civic campus rooms

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janvier 03, 2023

Schematic designs of the new rooms were based on the engagement process of committees made of nurses, physicians, infection control experts, patients and family members. The rooms will be designed with windows that stretch floor-to-ceiling, as studies have shown this can reduce the average length of hospital stays. The windows will use smart glass, allowing patients to calibrate the tint of the window with a remote control. Every patient will also have their own room with their own bathroom - a feature proven to reduce hospital-acquired infections. The rooms will have two sinks: one in the bathroom for the patient and one just inside the door for medical staff and visitors when they enter and exit the room. It’s estimated that at least 30% of hospital-acquired infections are preventable and most are the result of bacteria being spread from the hands of healthcare workers. Staff design committees also made suggestions about how to make the rooms more functional.

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