Sask. reports success with first robot-assisted surgeries

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novembre 25, 2022

Since Sept., over two dozen surgeries were performed in the province using the da Vinci Surgical System. So far, the robots assisted with procedures involving the prostate, kidney and bladder, with Sask. expecting to expand use of the technology for gynecology, oncology, thoracic surgery and other specialties. Compared with non-robotic assisted surgery, robotics-assisted surgeries provide 3D visualizations, allowing surgeons to manipulate instruments with a 360 motion and to manipulate the tissues in much tighter spaces. From a patient's perspective, the procedures are said to be less painful. The province provided $1 million of the $2.5 million required to purchase the system and is committed to cover annual operational expenses, estimated to grow to $800,000 by year five.

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