Half of Canadians satisfied with provincial healthcare system, 16-point decline compared to 2021

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novembre 15, 2022

The survey for the MEI found that women and residents of the Atlantic regions (70% vs. 49% B.C. and 44% in Alta.) are more likely to be dissatisfied. Almost four in 10 Canadians believe investments injected over the last 10 years had no effect on the healthcare system. Those aged 55 years and over as well as residents of the Atlantic regions (51% vs 30% in B.C. and 27% in Alta.) are more likely to find that the healthcare system worsened. A majority (52%) of Canadians are in favour of increasing access to private healthcare, a six-point drop compared to last year and an 11-point drop compared to 2020. Despite a decrease in interest for private healthcare, almost two thirds agree the healthcare system should follow the ‘French or Swedish’ model, which private entrepreneurs to manage certain public hospitals, provided that medically required care remains covered by the government.
Sondage : Deux Canadiens sur trois sont favorables à un système de santé mixte, suivant les modèles suédois et français - IEM

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